

Multidisciplinary services

  • At the New Hope Oncology Center, multi-modality cancer treatment is provided by a multidisciplinary team consists of specialists from surgery, internal medicine, radiation, radiology, pathology, and other supporting services of pain management, mental health, and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
  • Our multidisciplinary team works together to provide cancer treatment tailored to each patient’s particular need according to international standards.

Cancer screening

We provide packages for men or women for general health examination and screening of cancers including breast, prostate, lung, colon and cervical cancers.

Cancer diagnosis

We provide services to secure an initial or to confirm a diagnosis of a variety of cancers.

Cancer treatments

We provide multidisciplinary treatments including surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and targeting therapy for a variety of cancers including breast, lung and gastrointestine cancers.Radiation is provided with the Novalis TX linear accelerator, which is the first such radiation machine installed in Beijing. Novalis radiation treatments are very targeted. They conform to the shape of the tumor so nearby healthy tissue is spared from radiation.  A majority of the chemotherapy and targeting therapy are administered in an outpatient setting at the New Hope Oncology Center.


We provide consultation service and second opinion to patients and/or their families concerning the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment for a variety of cancers.

Pain management

We provide service for managing acute and chronic pain due to a variety of conditions.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Experienced traditional Chinese medicine doctors provide traditional medicine to alleviate side effects and to support patients undergoing treatments for cancer. They also provide traditional medicine to maintain health for cancer survivors.

Physical therapy and rehabilitation

We provide physical therapy and rehabilitation services for patients to relieve symptoms, and to regain their physical strength and functions following surgery, chemotherapy or radiation.